So, today Miki and I decided to forego the Street Gallery on account of:
1) Her being ill
2) Me being ill (still the dodgy ankle)
3) Possibly the effect of watching 2 complete Inspector Morse episodes in one night
4) Oh, yeah, and LOADS of stuff to prepare for tomorrow!
I have a show down in Lubrin, Almeria tomorrow night, and over the next 2 days I shall be updating the exhibition at El Capote in Vera and mounting the new "Sport for All" exhibition at Roly's in Las Bouganvillas. So today alternated between a little bass practice, and the careful wrapping of all the framed paintings that I have to take with me on the three hour drive tomorrow. Paintings do not travel well, and the way we pack them is most important.
Im also going to take the opportunity to check out another possible venue for both my show and exhibiting. Miki assures me that, far from lounging around and waiting for my return, she will begin work on the new portraits. (See her article)

Given the strenuous day ahead tomorrow, I think I will opt for a double helping of Pizza, and a single helping of Morse this evening.....
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