I've never been a real pet lover, nor successful with them as a child. Incidents such as the rabbit my Dad found that died from Mixing his Toasties to the Budgie that escaped are recalled with a shudder. Less Doctor Doolittle, More Doctor Mengele methinks. However, to bring us,albeit circuitously, to the point. Dogs. Never had one. Too much trouble. Here in Spain, there is still an insidious percentage of people, who, when fed up with their animal, simply take it out and hang it from a tree. The brits are no better. It goes something like this.."Ooo darling lets move to Spain and have a better life.. and let's get a dog and everything!"
Six months later, the money runs out, the dream drowns in a sea of San Miguel, and its.."Ooo, I miss me pint down the Cog and Sprocket!" Oh yeah, so keen are they to return to the green and pleasant land, THEY LEAVE THE DOG BEHIND. (You know the type,check out my Poem, "Brit Abroad" in The Mighty Pen section)So, that said, there may be a number of explanations for the large pile of Dog Poo outside Mine and Miki's lovely Gallery. It may have been left by some poor stray who's former owners knew no better. But its likely that its owners (and pardon the pun) just don't give a sh*t where there doggies do it.
It reminds me of a story from my childhood..Up the road, a lady used to run a nice little hairdressing salon from her front room. It was a bona fide business, and was presented well. In the street where we lived dog walkers regularly brought their pets to do their business. Funny, I always thought the sign at the end of the street said Portland Close. I now realise I must've been mistaken. It said "Toilet".
After a number of unfortunate deposits.

The salon lady had taken all she could take, She observed a woman blatantly allow her dog to "ease" (I borrowed this from a Michael Palin book, a beautiful expression!)itself right in front of her driveway. After the woman left, she hurried out, scooped the poop into some tissue paper and followed the woman home. Upon ascertaining her address, she promptly posted it through the letter box! Now, I'm telling you people, THAT IS STYLE! and I for one, am getting perilously close to doing the same if I catch who's doing it round these parts.
There's only one message from Pets Corner today. If you don't know how to look after a dog, DONT.BLOODY.GET.ONE.
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