You Tube. Mmm... In conjunction with the recent crop of videos we are now featuring on our site, they also can be found on that very same worldwide phenomenon.
The viewing figures are rocketing up daily, but now the comments come! Specifically, aimed at my Stars in their Eyes appearance. They are not, it has to be said, overly malicious, but quotes like:
"ahaha, this is funny sh*t!"
and "the dancers are okay"
fail to set my soul alight. But, I'm a fair and reasonable man, and with advancing

years comes a quiet consideration that keeps the indignant rage at bay (just)
The fact is, if you purposely stick your head above the parakeet..(I'm sorry that should read parapet.) oh, hang on, a parrot IS a pet isnt it? But I digress...
Where was I? I can't remember...I don't have an alibi! It wasn't me guv'nor!
Part 2- Kev returns after a lie down...
Er..yes, if you stick your head above the parapet, you should expect some wag to chuck the verbal equivalent of rotten tomatoes at it. so i did. and they have.
I shall however, gird my loins for the coming onslaught secure in the knowledge that Eric Bell, the original Thin Lizzy Guitarist and mate of the late Phil, saw my Stars effort, and said..."Phil surely was looking down on yer, and shouting Jaysus! I tort I was dead!"

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