Today I had intended to go straight down into the studio (following a hearty breakfast of course) and resume work on two of my songs, "Miss Hollywood" and "The Heretic's Song" , and possibly finish mixing "Baby Paints The Stars". I am somewhat behind with my original compositions, and they are rapidly filling the hard drive, so I thought, today's the day! I had just finished the two songs for Jaki Graham yesterday, and sent them over for her to have a listen. I sat in my chair..and...fatally..I picked up the guitar! That was it, I was off on another idea. Suffice to say, by the time this writer emerged from the studio not twenty minutes ago, I had written, recorded and mixed a brand new song called "Ring The Changes".

I tell you all this, because, it is fair to say, pre-Miki I was suffering from the Mother of All Writer's Blocks, and post-Miki, well, I can't stop! It's a blessing and a curse really, because if I don't get something finished, I'm off on the next idea. I feel I'm shimmering with so many ideas my self is becoming indistinct. (See Miki's computer art)It's like I am frantically making up for lost time somehow, and it's almost as though the ideas were all in there, "backed up" in some inaccessible part of my brain, just waiting for the key to unlock them. The key, of course, is Miki, and the mythological notion of The Muse is brought to life, in her.I seem to be evolving into a beast with many heads, trying to get all these things done at the same time! (see Miki's final computer art illustration) Some days here I can only describe as frantic, brushes and guitars painting symphonies of light and sound, the ideas positively vibrating the house to its foundations. I guess you could say the moment of critical mass as our arts collided was indeed GOODABOOM!

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