Another lovely day, 2007 starting well weather-wise here in Spain. Miki and I have been hard at work over the last couple of days, Miki in her own personal hell creating a large piece on canvas. (I keep out of the way!) For my sins, I've been down in the studio working on a second track for Jaki Graham. No, the first one's not finished, but Miki suggested I sent two possibilities in different styles, so this one has a slower, more laid back groove. It also gives me some distance from the first one, so when I go back to it, I can listen with fresh ears. It's a common thing in recording, your ears are like any muscle in your body, you overwork them , they become tired.When I was younger, we used to do marathon recording sessions til late into the night, in order to get a song mixed and finished. Invariably, when we listened back the next day, it sounded horrible, because our ears had given out the night before! So, having matured into the quietly studious and considered individual you see before you, I now take a less frenetic approach. By the way, we will be creating a kind of "scrapbook" page shortly, where I will post audio samples of some completed but unreleased original songs, or curiosities such as the Spanish version of Just a Memory, and songs written by me performed by my daughter (with a little help from Dad)The music from her early teens was more dance-oriented, but you can check out Hollie's Metal band Theft of A Doll (see photo) by clicking here
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