So...the diary...as those of you have already discovered these hallowed pages know, much fun is to be had amidst the ramblings of Miki and I.We became concerned that, as the diaries have grown into an essential part of our site, they were not occupying a position of prominence. What to do? we thought.
Well, first thing, get the diaries up on the tool bar. All well and good. But then we are faced with a new page THE DIARIES. What should we fill it with? At this point our adult selves left the room, and the naughty kiddies proceeded to run amok.
"I want to paint my hand with lots of colours!" said naughty little Miki, and so she did, brandishing her kaleidescope extremity with childish glee. Naughty Kevin sulked for a while before declaring "I want to as well!"
Within moments Miki had turned his fingers into piano keys as he lay his five-fingered chord across the pages...and so, as you see, we have brand new photos to introduce our diary pages to the uninitiated. The adults returned and locked the kiddies away without pizza for a week..but with a half-smile on their faces.....

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