This week, I've been lucky enough to have my daughter, Hollie, and her boyfriend staying with me. Hollie has her own band "Theft of a Doll" and their new video promoting their upcoming debut CD has just been completed.
As Miki and I waved them off at the airport this morning, I counted myself a lucky man. Here was a girl who was not only following, unbidden in her Father's footsteps, but who was doing it her way, with a steely determination, and a sensible head on. She is about to complete the final year of her Music and Performing Arts degree, and she intends to get a teaching qualification to fall back on should the band not reach the dizzy heights. She has my natural musical ear, and although not touring and recording professionally as I did at her age,she has studied music notation, and passed exams in bass guitar and saxaphone.
She seems to view her career path with enviable clarity, and I sense she is more at ease with herself than at any time in her young life.
A Father's love for his children is unconditional, but the feeling one gets when you see your child happy with her life, her partner, her future, and above all in the career you too have given your life to, is indescribable. You feel...well, certainly I feel I don't possibly deserve it, but all the same, the feeling, slowly but surely spreads its warmth through your whole being...Pride.

1 comment:
She grew up beautifully.
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