Those of you of a certain age will know that this is the title of a Monkees song, and a good one at that, from the Televisually created pseudo-mop-tops. But today I use "Alternate Title" as the title of this entry to draw attention to Miki's latest feature here on Planet Goodaboom. It's called Give Me A Title and will be a bit of interactive fun for our site visitors, not to mention a big help to Miki and I, as her output is so prolific, we have trouble titling them all! Don't forget to check out Miki's diary by the way, with her thoughts on Birds, Fishes, and Inspector Morse!!
I thought I might share with you a little of the process I go through when titling a painting. I suppose its not unlike when I compose a poem inspired by Miki's work. I imagine the painting as a snapshot of a moment in time, in some other world usually. I try to imagine what had occured before that moment, and what may occur afterwards. Also, what if one could step inside, and take a glimpse around the edge of the frame? What would one find there? These thoughts then set my mind racing, and usually, the poem pours out in a stream of consciousness style. But the salient point is this; my first impression almost always gives me the title. So, if you're up for having a go, check out the larger image of the painting shown here on the Give me a title feature, open your mind..and do it!
By the way, check out the second of my rants in The Mighty Pen, particularly those of you incensed by discourteous driving!
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