Why did I have to open my big mouth?
It's a seriously hectic life here on Planet Goodaboom. You drop your guard for an instant, and rashly suggest a new idea, and that's it, mate, you're off down another avenue of discovery, with another song to compose, a poem to invent, and a blog to write!!
Suddenly, Mildew Bookworm, unwitting star of our little film, "The Thief of Hearts and the Firecat", insists on having his origins documented in The Mighty Pen.
He says there's been a clamour from the public, I say he's an insufferable egomaniac, but there it is. I suppose we did invade his planet.
In another spectacular mouth-opening moment, it was suggested that we use some of the larger paintings for our Brush with Poetry performance on International Women in Business day on March 8th. So, at the drop of a matador's hat, I had to come up with Poem, and music for the above painting. Yesterday afternoon. If you throw all the blogs created by this activity into the mix, you're looking at one busy boy.
This is my second foray into "Bull-friendly" music, (check out the "Bullfight" movie of Miki's paintings at the bottom of this blog.)and this time I wanted to add a contemporary menace to the traditional Spanish sounds. It's a challenge, and moreso when you are trying to build the track, but having to avoid drowning out the narration of the poem. This one has a rise and fall, the crescendo achieved by extremely distorted guitar and liberal use of the whammy bar. (tremelo arm for the uninitiated) I've stuck it on a player here, below the painting to which it refers at the top of this blog. Give it a listen, and post your comments if you like!
In the meantime, I'll get started on our next crazy goodaboom idea!
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