Yikes! Seriously windy here today, and by that I mean, if it wasn't nailed down, it's history...Nevertheless, against this blustery backdrop (not uncommon here in Albir, the favoured form of transport is the kite)I managed to get some spadework done on "Miss Hollywood". I mentioned yesterday that I was having trouble dealing with the lyrics, and I must confess I shamelessly avoided them today, concentrating instead on fine-tuning the lead guitar break and piano parts. I seem to have developed a routine for putting my solos down, which basically is a bit of a no-brainer, namely playing and playing for usually twice as long as the solo section needs to be, then cherry-picking the highlights to create a suitably cohesive and pleasing solo. The editing facility is so precise, I can alter a great deal to change the nuances after I've put the part down, and it's fun to do. It's perpetually a learning curve, writing and recording, and as I'm relatively new to Mac, having suffered for years trying to get to grips with recording on a PC,(I just don't find them user friendly for recording) even more so. I have been scratching my head over a cluster of notes that reoccur on piano through the song, but stop abruptly, leaving a lone note sustaining. Well, today, I solved it! Putting the track into "Magnified Edit Mode" (my term, not Macs!) I noticed a tiny sliver of the three notes peeking out from an edit point. The program was playing these for a millisecond, and not the following notes. Once I'd dug these out, it worked perfectly! Technology is a strange thing...It gives us so much, yet dresses up these gifts in a copious wrapping of havoc!
Consider the wise words of French ex-president Georges Pompidou-
"There are three roads to ruin:Women, Gambling and Technicians.
The most pleasant is with Women. The quickest is with Gambling.
But the surest is with technicians!"
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