The March of Time
If you don't have children, it is, I imagine, almost possible to deny the march of time, and live blissfully unaware of your advancing years as life's experiences come your way, day in, day out. But if you are blessed with offspring,the inexorable ticking of that celestial clock grows ever louder with every new birthday, not yours, but theirs! I woke up today for instance, with the knowledge that my son Corey was now a strapping 15 year old, drumming in a band of his own, when by rights he should still be crawling around on all fours and puking up. (Something he will enjoy again when he becomes 18)Nothing focuses your attention on your advancing years more than the seemingly miraculous morphing of your child into adulthood at warp speed. The old saying, "Children are not yours, you only borrow them" rings so true on days such as this. It only remains for me to gird my loins, and march onward into the future, safe in the knowledge that Miki and I, as two incurable kiddies-at-heart, are having more fun now, than I ever did at fifteen! Happy Birthday, Corey!

Other stuff
Miki and I enjoyed our return to the Street Gallery last Sunday, buoyed up by good sales and good weather. I had to leave her to it for an hour or two, as I disappeared to Sands bar to catch a short set by our Client and friend Frans de Wijs, a renowned jazz pianist, who is known for recreating the style of the late Errol Garner. Though I couldnt stay long, it was most enjoyable. I had listened to Frans' work with Thijs van Leer (ex-Focus) on a CD he kindly gave us, and it was nice to catch him live. Another nice surprise was discovering that the venue has its own Thai restaurant, suffice to say Miki and I will be investigating that further tomorrow evening! The thought of a nice meal helped me remain calm as I returned to the Street Gallery and informed Miki that Sands bar was actually about a mile away from where she said it was....I think she thought I needed the exercise!

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