Look, let's face it, Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn, were WAY off on this one.
I'll tell you where the rain is. It's in Miki's atilier, its sheeting down, accompanied by endless, and I do mean endless (12 hours and counting)Thunder and lightning. The roads are rivers. I can only begin to imagine the amount of water deposited on Albir and surrounding areas during the night. The power is going on and off every two minutes. Why is that? What's the connection? Lots of water = no power. Why? God knows there's at least 250,000 volts coming down in the form of lightning bolts, so some sod's got electricity.

I came to Spain for sunshine. I hate the rain. I find absolutely no redeeming features in it whatsoever, I do not find it romantic. Okay, it's life-giving, but let them collect it somewhere else, like Wales.
The day is dark and overcast, the sun has abandoned us, a fairweather friend. In Almeria, I'm sure, it is shining. It´s making me depressed. If you want to know what I look like today, PRESS HERE. For some reason, this area, surrounded by mountains, is a victim of its own microclimate, and those of us that live here, by extension. are victims of it too. I know I'm an easy target for derision here people, after all, some of you have to live in Manchester, so I should shut up and know when I'm well off. But this is a worrying trend. I think the weather is getting worse. Time was, you could rely on Spain for sun. It was synonymous with sun. No longer, I fear. Let us take time today, pointedly, to honour Al Gore, (the guy who is really the president, except it was stolen from him)who has raised our consciousness about climate change, and been awarded the Nobel Prize in honour of it. Mr. Gore, do you think you could have a word about Albir? We're drowning here, bud!

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