A quick entry today, before I disappear for a few days; My son is visiting from England, so I'm taking a break!
I had a strange dream last night, where I was wandering around on a windswept mountain, pursued, but not attacked by, an organised pack of alsatians. They gradually herded me downhill until I came to a large abandoned factory of sorts, which had some kind of stage on the front of it. I entered at ground level, through a large shower/toilet area and out into a mud covered room. Everywhere was covered in the thick, wet ooze. A ladder went up in to the next level. That, too, was covered in the glistening mud.
I looked at my clothes and decided I should go back into the shower area, and get clean and leave my clothes there, so I could better negotiate the mud covered room and ladders. As I got there, my pursuers, human, but indistinct, unrecollectable, asked me where I was going. I pointed to the door leading from the shower room. They opened it, but it was just a closet. The mud covered room had disappeared......
Yeah, I know...I'll ring for the White Van!
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