I seem to have hit a creative streak again, following our return from wandering around Europe. I'm managing to write a little of my novel every day, and I'm coming up with a lot of song ideas again, and finally getting around to finishing some of the unfinished ones I've had lying around for months. We have a new Song of the month for October; Click here to have a listen. It's called "The Heretic's Song" and it's about my disenchantment with organised religion, the hypocrisy of both christian and muslim, hopefully done with a little humour. The lyrics are printed below, including the original last verses, which don't appear in the song, because I wrote some new ones following visits to Canterbury and Chartres on our trip!
I've also renewed contact with an old friend from America, who was instrumental in getting the TUBELESS HEARTS album "Three" into production back in the nineties. I've been thinking about sending him some sort of compilation of my recent solo stuff, and it got me considering putting a proper "homegrown" CD out through the website, raw, as it were, I write 'em, record 'em, churn 'em out! It's got an immediacy that I like. If I can find somewhere to print and package it properly, I think it might be the way to go. Other recording news: Look out for my collaboration with GRAHAM OLIVER which should be out on Angel Air records early next year, and also a project with BC SWEET, where we're hoping to record six Sweet classics in slightly different styles, plus six brand new originals. All in all, a busy time in Studioland!!!
I'm off to Germany this weekend for a show with BC SWEET, enjoy The Song of the month!
The Heretic’s Song
Took a trip to Jesus Disneyland today
Tried to buy the T-shirt but my faith got in the way
Gonna wash in holy water, take a plastic Mary souvenir
Costs an awful lot of Euros, to get your plaque put up in here.
They polished up that church’s gold-anointed crown
When they see that coach load of malades would hit the town
Gonna wash in holy water, take a plastic Mary souvenir
If you could make a small donation, you’re cured, we’ll get you out of here
Help me Jesus, help me please,
Why must we climb these wretched steps upon our knees?
Do you like to, see my pain?
Why does the church endorse such monetary gain?
Hey Mohammed, what’s the score?
Since when did Islam preach a terrorism war?
Thought I’d wander down to Chartres for a while
Checking out the labyrinth while I’m walking down the aisle
Gonna wash in holy water, take a plastic Mary souvenir,
Say it doesn’t cost a Euro, if you wanna spend some time in here
Went to Canterbury cos I’d heard a tale or two
Got to the doorway, said its seven pounds to you
I cannot touch the water, they save it for the chosen few
Since when did crashing God’s house, constitute a pay per view?
Help me Jesus, help me please,
Why must we climb these wretched steps upon our knees?
Do you like to, see my pain?
Why does the church endorse such monetary gain?
Hey Mohammed, what’s the score?
Since when did Islam preach a terrorism war?
(Unused Verses)
Took a trip around the stations of the cross
Seen all those Roman's trying to tell the world who's boss
Gonna wash in holy water, take a plastic Mary souvenir,
Gave birth to all this mass religion
Control humanity with fear
I headed down to see them roll away the stone
Looked out for Jesus, but I was left alone
Saw a Christ on every corner, as I headed home for lunch
You can wait all day for Jesus, and then three come by at once.
Words and Music Copyright Kev Moore 2007
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