Finally recovering from our Sunday Street Gallery exertions (it normally takes a couple of days) I began the day catching up on my laptop jobs whilst having breakfast. I'd barely got the spoon in my mouth, when were visited by a lovely Norwegian couple who'd bought a miniature at the previous weeks exhibition, and also called in this Sunday to reserve a painting. Today, they were determined to "stock up" on works of art, as they are soon leaving Albir to spend the summer back in Norway. They are quite astute in their appreciation of art, and are rarely captivated, but the woman in particular was in turmoil as she found so many of Miki's paintings she loved, she was struggling to make a choice! In the event they left us with four paintings under their arms, one of which is "Faerie Tale". When told it was inspiration for one of my songs, they asked if they might have that as well, and in keeping with our "Brush with Poetry" series, they are purchasing an exclusive "one-off CD of the song to accompany the painting, but you can listen to it here by clicking on the player!
It's quite dissimilar to my usual song output, being a very basic guitar and vocal, with a little bell percussion and some harmonies, but it doesnt need anything else. As the musician of this outfit, I always love it when we sell one of our "joint" pieces, it's a wonderful feeling. They collect the CD on Friday, which will have a full set of lyrics printed inside. Then I guess, a few short days later, our Faerie will spread her gossamer wings for her flight to her new home in Trondheim, Norway!

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