A-ha! Yes, that's right, I have returned, or more precisely, Miki and I have returned, from our epic trip around Spain, France and the UK.I know its not really an excuse for being absent from these diary pages for so long, but by way of an apology, let me direct you to Ten Weeks in a Box, our account, in words, sketches and pictures of our wonderful trip. Each day, we'll be publishing an extract from our travel journal so you can relive the highs and lows of our trip, including one or two rants from me when I got a little stir crazy!
I will try and post on here regularly again, but its a busy time right now. I'm working hard on a novel, and also some new songs for BC Sweet, as we plan to do an album next year. After rattling around in a seven metre motorhome for the past few months, Miki and I are downsizing our driving for a while!

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